Affinity Diagramming: Uncovering a better user experience

A great blog on Affinity Diagramming.

Acquity Group Blog

To the untrained eye, an affinity diagram may look very scientific, confusing and messy. But what you are viewing is actually a simple, yet powerful technique used in the early stages of Acquity Group’s design process. Interaction Designers use these affinity diagrams to help diagnose complicated problems through collecting, grouping, organizing and analyzing feedback and findings from up-front research studies. Within these diagrams, we begin to make connections and identify the experience gaps during the “Evaluation” phase of the Acquity Group Design process.

Diagram-wall_fullSo what are the first steps an interaction designer will take when beginning an affinity diagram? Usually, these diagrams need a fairly large space to work with, but you could start by using over-sized presentation boards (the ones that look like gigantic sticky notes) and line the walls with these boards. Within Acquity Group’s Chicago Studio space, we have large floor to ceiling wipe board walls we can assign…

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Bridging the Worlds of 2D and 3D Interactions

Looking forward to a future without devices.

In a world where the devices around us are being connected before we even know why they should be, there is increasing buzz around the idea of the connected home: a futuristic ecosystem of products that provide feedback about the home that could transmit data about anything from what food is rotting in the fridge to what the vacuum cleaner accidentally sucked up while you were out.

As cool as this idea sounds, most concepts in the connected home leave me thinking “why would I ever need that?!”  Part of the problem is that it seems like 2D interactions are glued onto 3D products like lipstick on a pig, with an expectation that something magical will happen as soon as the cosmetic is applied.  This leaves many interaction designers like myself posing the question “How should we bridge the worlds of 2D and 3D interactions?”

This morning, I stumbled upon this…

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Wearable Tech is here

I am a huge fan of Apple products but when I saw the title of the post by Dominic Rushe in the Guardian – Will Apple’s plans for an iWatch herald a new era of wearable tech?, I beg to differ here that it is neither Apple or Google who lead the way in wearable technology. Nike has been one of the companies that saw the potential of integrating music technology and then fitness technology in its product innovation. I think Apple and Google’s market share, makes them best poised to bring it to mainstream market beyond the music and fitness focused demographic.

In my opinion Experience Design would come to a full realization with wearable technology where the lines will be blurred between human interaction and interfaces. Wearing my Fitbit surely makes take a few extra steps and watch my calories and I can’t wait for the day when I don’t have to have separate devices next to my bed to wake me up, listen to music, make a phone call, get a reminder to take my medications and track my wellness. I crave consolidation and order so that I can look away from my phone, tablet, computer and just be. It is time to de-clutter life and experience it in a meaningful way.


Design Guide

Want to get an overview about Design today then check out this great site

by Wells Riley – Startups, This is How Design Works.

It does not cover all disciplines of design though it is acknowledged that all that is not found in nature and is man-made is designed. The question then is what is good design and then talking about Dieter Ram’s Ten Principles of “Good Design”

Do not miss out the links and resources at the bottom of the page.